Our clients understand the importance of choosing a reputable professional carpet cleaning company, but in this article, we hope to drive the point home that it is just as important to choose a reputable professional carpet installer. Did you know that the quality of carpet installation can affect the quality of carpet cleaning? Since our highest concern is making sure our clients’ carpets are properly cleaned, we want to stress the importance of proper installation.
High Quality Carpet Installation
According to The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI), a quality installation is critical to the performance of your carpet, and it is a job for the professionals. CRI recommends hiring an installation contractor who adheres to the CRI 104 (Commercial) and CRI 105 (Residential) Carpet Installation Standard for all aspects of the installation.
High quality carpet installation requires the proper tools and materials, such as trowels, adhesives, rollers, stretchers, tack strips, and the like. Skilled technicians should know how to select and work with the tools and materials, and they should also have the knowledge and experience to deal with special considerations like temperature and humidity that can affect the quality of installation.
How Improper Carpet Installation Complicates Carpet Cleaning
Improper carpet installation can result in numerous problems. One of those problems is that it complicates the professional carpet cleaning process. For example, if carpet is not properly stretched or fails to adhere to tack strips, then when the carpet gets wet with humidity or professional cleaning, the fibers can swell, causing buckling. Buckling in carpet can cause uneven cleaning. This problem is temporary, because the buckled sections flatten and shrink as they dry, but buckling can potentially pull carpet away from walls over the course of time. Dislodged carpeting can completely disrupt the professional cleaning process.
Thank you for choosing us and your professional carpet cleaning company. Please feel free to contact us for a referral to a reputable professional carpet installer. Since the quality of carpet installation can affect the quality of carpet cleaning, we urge our clients to be vigilant about proper installation when purchasing new carpet.
This is one of a series of articles written and published on behalf of SurpHaces PRO Partners.